Superlatives... en + sıfat in Turkish

In this article, we take things to the extreme. We will learn how to talk about things in superlative in Turkish. The most, the best, the greatest, the fastest, the slowest…. you get it.

The grammar structure is very simple.

  • en + adjective

It is similar to how "the most" or "the -est" is used in English.


the besten iyi
the worsten kötü
the highesten yüksek
the lowesten düşük
the most valuableen değerli
the most satisfyingen tatmin edici
the most importanten önemli

Let us see this in action.

This is the best movie I've ever watched.

  • Bu, şimdiye kadar izlediğim en iyi film.

That was the worst dream I've ever had.

  • Bu, gördüğüm en kötü rüyaydı.

Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world.

  • Everest Dağı dünyanın en yüksek zirvesidir.

This is the lowest temperature we've experienced this winter.

  • Bu, bu kış yaşadığımız en düşük sıcaklık.

The most valuable thing in life is a good health and a good company.

  • Hayatta en değerli şey iyi sağlıktır ve iyi dosttur.

Completing a challenging project is the most satisfying feeling.

  • Zorlu bir proje tamamlamak en tatmin edici his.

The most important lesson I've learned is to be kind to others.

  • Öğrendiğim en önemli ders başkalarına nazik olmaktır.

Turkish Grammar is like a well planned city. The rules apply to all, few surprises. In most cases you can learn by looking at few examples and by the principle of induction learn the general rule.

Thanks for reading!

Written by


Abbas Abdelila

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