Ordinal Numbers in Turkish

Ordinal numbers “first, second, third,….” in Turkish is expressed with the suffix “-IncI” added to a number. You can look at Turkish numbers here.

-(I)ncI where I → (i, ı, u, ü)

But how do I know if I am going to add inci or ıncı or uncu or üncü ? You look at the last vowel of the number.

Last VowelSuffix

Now let us look at it in action.

21thYirmi birinci
1stBirinci22thYirmi ikinci
2ndİkinci23thYirmi üçüncü
3rdÜçüncü24thYirmi dördüncü
4thDördüncü25thYirmi beşinci
5thBeşinci26thYirmi altıncı
6thAltıncı27thYirmi yedinci
7thYedinci28thYirmi sekizinci
8thSekizinci29thYirmi dokuzuncu
11thOn birinci50thEllinci
12thOn ikinci60thAltmışıncı
13thOn üçüncü70thYetmişinci
14thOn dördüncü80thSeksanıncı
15thOn beşinci90thDoksanıncı
16thOn altıncı100thYüzüncü
17thOn yedinci500thBeş yüzüncü
18thOn sekizinci1000thBininci
19thOn dokuzuncu1000000thMilyonuncu

The formula is number + suffix

You might have noticed that we do something different on number four.

dört should have been dörtüncü and not dördüncü right?

Actually no…

When the last letter is one of [ t, k, ç, p ] and a vowel is added to it like [ a, e, i, o, u, ü, ö, ı ].

That is [ t, k, ç, p ] + [ a, e, i, o, u, ü, ö, ı ]. A transformation given below happens.

t → d

k → ğ

ç → c

p → b

Kitap → Kitabı

Gözlük → Gözlüğü

Ağaç → Ağacı

Dört → Dördü

That is why we say dördüncü ✅ and not dörtüncü

This is done for the sake of having Vowel Harmony. You can read more about it here.

Thanks for reading!

Written by


Abbas Abdelila

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