Expressing opinions… using -A göre

When expressing what we think in Turkish, the suffix that comes handy is Pronoun + -A göre.

What does that even mean?

Let us see it in the table below.

Pronoun ENPronoun TRTo + Pronoun ENTo + Pronoun TR
IBenTo meBen + a → Bana
You(sing.)SenTo you(sing.)Sen + a → Sana
She/he/itOTo him/her/itO + a → Ona
WeBizTo usBiz + a → Bize
You(pl.)SizTo you(pl.)Siz + a → Size
TheyOnlarTo themOnlar + a → Onlara

sing. - Singular

pl. - Plural

The general suffix structure is Pronoun + -A göre

Pronoun + -A göreEnglish(Literally)It also meansIt can also mean
Bana göreAccording to meIn my opinionI think
Sana göreAccording to you(sing.)In your(sing.) opinionYou think(sing.)
Ona göreAccording to him/her/itIn his/her opinionHe/She thinks
Bize göreAccording to usIn our opinionWe think
Size göreAccording to you(pl.)In your(pl.) opinionYou(pl.) think
Onlara göreAccording to themIn their opinionThey think


  1. Bana göre (In my opinion):
    • Bana göre, bu kitap çok iyidir. (In my opinion, this book is very good.)
    • Bana göre, Türk mutfağı dünyada en lezzetli mutfaklardan biridir. (In my opinion, Turkish cuisine is one of the most delicious cuisines in the world.)
  2. Sana göre (In your opinion):
    • Sana göre, en iyi futbolcu kimdir? (In your opinion, who is the best footballer?)
    • Sana göre, en iyi mevsim hangisidir? (In your opinion, what's the best season?)
  3. Ona göre (In his/her opinion):
    • Ona göre, dünyanın en güzel şehri Berlin. (In his/her opinion, the best city in the world is Berlin.)
    • Yeni araştırmaya göre karamsar insanlar zeki görünürlar. O araştırmaya göre aslında zihinsel testlerde düşük puan aldıkları görüldü. (According to a new study, pessimistic people appear intelligent. According to that research, it was observed that they actually scored low on cognitive tests.)
  4. Bize göre (In our opinion):
    • Bize göre, bu restoranın yemekleri lezzetli. (In our opinion, the food at this restaurant is delicious.)
    • Bize göre, bu proje için daha fazla zaman ayırmamız gerekiyor. (In our opinion, we need to allocate more time for this project.)
  5. Size göre (In your opinion - plural/formal):
    • Size göre, bu yeni teknoloji insanları nasıl etkiliyor? (In your opinion, how does this new technology affect people?)
    • Size göre, eğitim sistemi nasıl geliştirilebilir? (In your opinion, how can the education system be improved?)
  6. Onlara göre (In their opinion):
    • Onlara göre, mutlak okunması gereken kitab nedir? (In their opinion, what book is a must read?)
    • Onlara göre, en iyi dizi hangisi? (In their opinion, which is the best TV series?)

Thanks for reading!

Written by


Abbas Abdelila

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