Expressing Opinions… Bence, Sence, Bizce Sizce

We can also state our opinions in Turkish using the general structure Pronoun + cA, where A → a or e (vowel harmony).

Let us see it explained in the table below.

Pronoun + SuffixOpinion suffixEnglish Translation
Ben + ceBenceIn my opinion / I think
Sen + ceSenceIn your opinion / You think
On + ca ❌
Biz + ceBizceIn our opinion / We think
Siz + ceSizceIn your opinion / You think
Onlar + ca ❌

sing. → Singular

pl. → Plural

❌ → Onca and Onlarca don’t express opinion but rather number. It is caused because the number 10 in Turkish is "on". Onca and onlarca both mean tens as in the sentence

“Onlarca insan her gün buraya geliyor.”

“Tens of people come to this place everyday” (This is literal translation, it means many people come to this place everyday)

So we don’t use them for opinion in this sense since they already have been defined and overlap with a number.

Here are some examples of how to use these structures to express opinions:

  • In my opinion, Turkish is a very logical language.
    • Bence Türkçe çok mantıklı bir dil.
  • Do you think it might rain today?
    • Sence bugün yağmur yağabilir mi?
  • When do you think we should finish the lesson?
    • Sizce dersi ne zaman bitirelim?
  • We think that explaining how something can benefit people is more effective than trying to persuade them.
    • Bizce insanlar ikna etmek yerine nasıl onlara yararlı olacağını anlatmak daha etkili.

Written by


Abbas Abdelila

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