At - locative suffix -DA Bulunma Hali Eki

Generally to express physical location, action, object or context in Turkish the suffixes -da or -de is added to the word.

If the last letter of the word is one of the letters [ f , s , t , k , ç , ş , h , p ] then the locative suffix is -ta or -te.

🍊 Tip ➖ You can easily remember the letters by memorizing it as “fıstıkçışıhap”.

Why do we have -da and -de?

  • It is because of vowel harmony. If the last vowel of the word is either a-ı-o-u → da, if it is e-i-ö-ü → de.

Why do we have -ta and -te?

  • It is for the ease of pronunciation. Try saying uçakda and uçakta. Which one was easier to say? When using -ta or -ta it becomes softer to say. Less friction 😎.
  • Vowel harmony also applies here to determine whether is is -ta or -te.

Thanks for reading and remember fıstıkçışıhap.

Written by


Abbas Abdelila

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