Giving order or command in Turkish

When giving command in Turkish, we use different form of a root verb depending on who we are giving the order to.

Let us take the verb gitmekto go in Turkish.

Go! in English applies to whoever you are saying it to. But in Turkish it depends on the pronoun.

See the table below.

Sen ( You )Go!git
O ( He/She/It )Go!gitsin
Siz ( You (pl.) )Go!gidin/gidiniz
Onlar ( They )Go!gitsinler

Sen git. O gitsin. Siz gidin. yada Siz gidiniz. Onlar gitsinler or you can also say Onlar gitsin.

Let us another example and we will derive a general formula.

This time take the verb to bringgetirmek

You bringSen getir
Let him/her/it bringO getirsin
You(pl.) bringSiz getirin or Siz getiriniz
Let them bringOnlar getirsin or getirsinler

From the above two examples we can deduce that the general structure in Turkish for command depending on the pronoun of the order is given to is given in the table below.

Infinitive form of verbs in Turkish end with -mek or -mak.

When you remove the mek or mak from any verb you get the root verb.

Verbroot of the verb

So coming back to giving orders. The general structure is given in the table below.

Senroot of verb
Oroot of verb + sin
Sizroot of verb + [ In or InIz ] where I is [i, ı, u, ü]
Onlarroot of verb + [ sin or sinler]


VerbSen (You)O (He/She/It)Siz (You (pl.))Onlar (They)
gitmek (to go)gitgitsingidin/gidinizgitsinler
getirmek (to bring)getirgetirsingetirin/getirinizgetirsinler
uyumak (to sleep)uyuuyusunuyuyun/uyuyunuzuyusunlar
hatırlamak (to remember)hatırlahatırlasınhatırlayın/hatırlayınızhatırlasınlar
unutmak (to forget)unutunutsununutun/unutunuzunutsunlar

You may have realized for the roots that end in vowel like [ uyu or hatırla ] and a suffix is added to it that starts with a vowel. In this case uyu + un and hatırla + ın. We add ‘y’ in between the two vowels.

It is because in Turkish no two vowels come consecutively. It is the aesthetics of the language and the good old vowel harmony 🔗 .

Thanks for reading!

Written by


Abbas Abdelila

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