Simple past tense -DI and -DU (Belirtili Geçmiş Zaman)

Simple past tense in Turkish is actually very simple :).

The suffix that is used in the past tense of nouns, verbs or an adjectives is -DI or -DU.

  • Dd or t (The f-s-t-k-ç-ş-h-p rule)

  • Iı or i (Vowel harmony i.e ease of pronunciation)

  • Uu or ü (Vowel harmony i.e ease of pronunciation)

Don’t be overwhelmed by this formula. The image below explains it all.

Simple past tense formula

📝 The ‘d’ becomes → ‘t’ when the last letter is one of the f-s-t-k-ç-ş-h-p.


1. Verbs

Turkish VerbEnglish VerbPast Tense (3rd Person Singular)English
GelmekTo comeGeldicame
GitmekTo goGittiwent
ZıplamakTo jumpZıplajumped
YapmakTo doYapdid
UyumakTo sleepUyuduslept
GülmekTo laughllaughed
  • 🟩 - root of verb
  • 🟨 - indicator of verb (All verbs in Turkish end with mak or mek)
  • 🟥 - past tense suffix
  • 🟦 - last letter of root

2. Adjectives

Turkish AdjectiveEnglish AdjectivePast Tense (3rd Person Singular)English
BüyükBigBüyükIt was big
KüçükSmallKüçükIt was small
YeniNewYeniydiIt was new
EskiOldEskiydiIt was old
GüzelBeautifulGüzeldiIt was beautiful
İyiGoodİyiydiIt was good
  • 🟦 - last letter of word
  • 🟧 - separator 'y' between two vowels (only in noun and adjective), not in verbs ❌.
  • 🟥 - past tense suffix

3. Nouns

Turkish NounEnglish NounPast Tense (3rd Person Singular)English Translation
MasaTable…güzel masay.It was beautiful table
ResimPicture…büyük resimdi.It was big picture
ArkadaşFriend…samimi arkadaş.He/she was sincere friend
ŞehirCity…büyük şehirdi.It was big city
YemekFood…lezzetli yemekti.It was delicious food
MüzikMusic...harika müzikti.It was great music

♟️ If the last letter of the word a noun or an adjective is a vowel,y’ comes in between as a separator.

♟️ There is also a non suffix way of expressing past tense by using the word idi after a noun and adjective.

  • ♟️ Example would be güzeldi → güzel idi, durusttu → durust idi.
    • In this case no need to consider vowel harmony or f-s-t-k-ç-ş-h-p rules, just add idi to any noun or adjective.

♟️ There is no irregularity when it comes to past tense of a verb in Turkish. The suffix rules apply the same to all verbs. It is consistent.

Thanks for reading!

Written by


Abbas Abdelila

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